Therefore, when the disciples ask the question to Jesus if he was going to restore Israel, he tries to correct them, and he tells them that it is not the time to ask such a question. The word Jesus uses for time is here Kronos, which is a time to count, or clock time. The disciples want to know: Is this the time to end the reign of the Romans so that we can talk about our reign? Is this the time to dominate? Is this the time to inflict evil on those who have inflicted evil on us?
This is the type of kingdom the disciples ask Jesus for: a kingdom which has people on the left and the right, or a kingdom who has the greatest, a kingdom that breathes hatred and revenge on others, a kingdom of people who only plead for their children to be first.
All this time, during which Jesus spent with his people, he did not stop talking to them about the kingdom of God.
It is why in response to their request Jesus told them that it was not for them to know the time or the day that the Father had set. Jesus gives them a priority as disciple and uses a different term from theirs for time: He uses the word “Kairos,” or a favorable time. Jesus tells them that they should seize this favorable time to bear testimony to Christ beginning in Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea, and to the ends of the earth. Jesus diverts them from their conception of this kingdom without God, and tells to install a kingdom where love reigns and everyone considers themselves as brothers and sisters. Now is the time for the church to speak of this kingdom of justice for those who are oppressed. Now is the time which is favorable for the disciples to deliver those who are still in the grip of violence.
Therefore, our witness and our testimony is summed up to preach the love of God for humanity by sending Jesus Christ to save us now, and to go and present this love of God to the world now.
Indeed, I have read our Church newsletter, and I ask you to continue to serve your God and bear our witness to the world. If you are feeding the hungry, it is because you love them, if there are people in this church who devote their time to praying for the city, the mission and all our programs, it is because they love the Lord. And they are doing so now!
Jesus commends them not to watch what is happening but to be witnesses of God's love – now – this love that unites. This consoling love. This love that has no left or right. This love where the greatest is a servant.
May the Lord Bless us as we continue spreading this love as we witness to the World. Amen.
Reverend Joseph Mulongo