Equipping Youth, Children, and Families to Grow Together
We seek to partner with families so that children can grow in faith. We believe families are the primary people from whom children learn what it means to be a follower of God. Therefore, we are dedicated to encouraging families to develop caring relationships that foster growth and service so that together we can show children what it means to be a disciple.
How can my child get connected?SUNDAY SCHOOL
Sunday School is where children spend time learning their Bible basics. We use stories from the Bible as a way to help children discover God's love and put it into action. Most importantly, our Sunday School is a smaller group of children that allows our leaders to build relationships and make connections beyond Sunday School. The Children's Sunday School Class meets from 10:15a-10:50a. Currently, we are using a "One Room Sunday School" format for children 4 years old through 6th grade. SUPER CHURCH
During the Sunday 9 & 11:00 services, we offer a special class for children ages 4-3rd grade. Children are dismissed to Super Church in the Tree House where they have a lesson that teaches about elements of worship and/or attributes of God. Super Church is aimed at helping children in making connections with one another, with God, and learning what it means to be an active participant in the church community. NURSERY CARE
Grace Church provides supervised nursery care for infants and children up through age 3 on Saturday evening, Sunday morning and for special services. VOLUNTEERING
Children's Ministry is different than so many other ministries of the church because we are one of the few in which those we serve cannot volunteer to lead the events we host. There are many places where volunteers can serve and minister to the children. Sunday School, Super Church, Sprouts, and annual events are all places where volunteers are vital to what we do. We also have some behind the scenes ways people who want to serve in the Children's Ministry can do without having to be front and center. For more information please email Pastor Susan Nyquist. FAMILIES FIRST SUNDAYS
Immediately following the conclusion of the 11am worship service on the 1st Sunday of every month, we will all gather in Price Hall for food, fun, and fellowship. Bring a dish to share! All ages welcome! |
VBS 2025 - Registration is open!!!
June 16-19, 9a-11:30a Pull out your calendar and then use a highlighter to mark Monday, June 16th through Thursday, June 19th. That way, you'll be sure to save the date for Vacation Bible School 2025! That’s right, it's not a typo. We are already looking ahead to June 2025. Grace is blessed to have a talented and creative group of individuals who have partnered together to plan, and develop the program for next summer. Creatively using a water theme to tie it all together, each day will find students looking at a different Bible scene, as viewed from "The Lighthouse". Beginning with Jonah and the whale, turning to Jesus' baptism, watching Peter walk on water, and witnessing Jesus calm a storm; children will experience the power of the Spirit and the presence of God as they are invited to share the love of Christ with the world. Register today at |
Grace United Methodist Church
1300 E Adams Dr, Franklin, IN 46131 Phone: 317-736-7962 Weekend Worship Services Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 9:00am & 11:00am |