As followers of Christ, we move into Holy Week as persons summoned by God: to go to an upper room, to a garden, a trial, and, ultimately, a cross. Amidst all of noise, we come face to face with denial, betrayal, dishonesty, and death and Christ’s own voice: that is, if we truly listen, we begin to realize that it is not just about Peter or Judas; it is about us! About me! It is about our own discipleship and walk with Jesus. It is about asking the hard questions: what do I hear Jesus saying? What do I see Jesus doing? How am I denying Jesus, or betraying what he is about? Is there something in me that needs to die in order to live more faithfully, more fully?
We ask these questions to understand our own response to Jesus’ call to discipleship. We, like the first disciples, can become confused and distracted. We can miss the mark.
As we journey toward the cross and out the other side, what do we need to hear? What are we listening for this week? What silences or cries or praises might we need to hear again?