If you scored high on Matthew, then, you notice that there is a great deal of emphasis on “getting things done,” or in the words of the Nike commercial, “just doing it.” Disciples here have a “rubber hits the road” mindset. Indeed, they might echo the former Lee Iaccoca’s motto of “lead, follow, or get out of the way.” It might sound a bit harsh, but if you are a Matthean disciple sitting in a meeting, and people keep on talking and talking, you might wonder if you are wasting your time because no one seems to be doing anything! It is also why if you want to get a project completed, you ask someone who has a Matthean bent. Mattheans tend to be highly organized, and they like to see things accomplished, checking things off their “To do list.”
These are typically the characteristics of a person who scores high as a part of this type: he or she views the church as a mission outpost, or as a community where disciples do the things Jesus did, like feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the imprisoned, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger (Mt. 25:31-46).
Matthean disciples focus on mission or on serving others. Indeed, that is how the Gospel of Matthew ends with what many people call the Great Commission; the mission of the church is to go into the whole world to share the gospel with all people. Again, look at the verbs like “go,” “teach,” “preach,” “make,” “baptize.” Action oriented. We are not here to sit around. No, we are here to carry out a mission. We are here as fellow learners to understand what Jesus is all about and who he is. Therefore, no matter who you are, you have a job to do – to take part in Jesus’ work.
How may you take part in this work this week? What is Christ calling and commissioning you to do? Take heart: God goes with you!
Pastor Andy Kinsey