Throughout the Bible, God gives to prosperous and poor people great responsibility. Thank God, for example, that the Good Samaritan had the financial resources to help his neighbor (Luke 10:25-37); and that Aquila and Priscilla had the resources to support the work of the early church (Acts 18:1-2). Such people displayed great strength in how they gave to others. They understood Jesus’ words that to whom much is given much is required (Luke 12:48).
Surely, one of the most widespread misunderstandings of our day is how we think giving means “giving up” something, or “being deprived of something,” typically, something “I want” or something “I feel I need to have,” this sense of entitlement, which only perpetuates an attitude of self-impoverishment, a smallness of heart and mind.
Surely, we ask ourselves that there must be another way; and, of course, if you are a follower of Jesus, there is! There is another Way: it is the Way that asks us to examine ourselves to see what we may be lacking: what is the “one thing” that I need to address that prevents me from giving or serving, or from committing myself to Christ? What do I need to let go of?
That is the question we want to invite you to ask: what do I need to confront in myself to walk faithfully with Christ?
Pastor Andy Kinsey