I really do not think Mary Magdalene and the other women went to the tomb on that dark morning thinking God had raised Jesus. In fact, they say as much when they ask, “Who will roll the stone away for us?” They obviously didn’t have a plan in place! What were they thinking going to the tomb? It was dangerous. Why take the risk? More importantly, perhaps, why get out of bed so early?
I believe that one of the reasons they got out of bed early on that first Easter morning was because of the love they had for their friend; they went that morning because that is what love does. Despite the risks, despite the hour of the day, loves goes anyway! When the baby cries at night, love gets up. When a child calls on the phone upset, love responds. When a friend needs help, love listens.
When I get to heaven, and I don’t mean to be presumptuous in believing so, but by God’s grace, I will – when I get to heaven, I want to ask Mary, “Mary, what made you go to the tomb so early?” And if I am not mistaken, I think I will hear her say, “Because that is what love does!” Even when we do not know who is going to roll away the stone! That’s what love does! Even when we do not know what the day will bring, love gets up and gets going. Love does remarkable things despite the challenges!
Even as we wait and pray at the bedside of a family member, or as we look through the glass of a nursing home, or as we reckon with prejudice and violence of all kinds, or as we deal with the virus and pandemic – love proclaims, “Alleluia anyway”!
How can we proclaim that Christ is risen anyway, no matter what is taking place? How may we rise like Christ to share the good news anyhow, regardless of the stones that might cover our hopes?
Pastor Andy