But the Spirit of Jesus closes the door on Paul, and for whatever reason, God doesn’t want him to go there just yet. Instead, God opens up another door: to Macedonia (Acts 16:8).
This is one of the ways God works: we might think we are to go to one place, and then we get a call to go to another place. In this case, Christ calls Paul to go over to Macedonia. Hence the name of the passage: the Macedonian call. In fact, there is an old gospel song: “We have heard the Macedonian call. We will work for Jesus and his will obey.” The passage and the song are about how we need to pay attention to how God can use us: How can God use our resources and gifts? How can Christ direct our passion? How can the Spirit help us to see the needs of others?
These are wonderful questions to help us in finding our place in God’s mission. The answers might not come automatically, but they can emerge over time and with clarity.
So how might we pray and hear what the Spirit of Christ is calling us to do? How might we listen to God’s voice? The answers we receive will often surprise us!
Pastor Andy Kinsey